Deepika Mishra

Deepika Mishra

I was SOOO excited when I lost those first 17 pounds! I remember taking these first set of weight loss pictures and feeling like a total babe. Look at me now! I’m so happy I stuck with it. 


Highest Weight: 255 lbs⁠⠀

Starting Weight: 238 lbs⁠⠀

Current Weight: 194 lbs⁠⠀

Height: 5’9″⁠⠀


I know how it seems like there isn’t enough time to take care of the kids, your husband, your house, your job, let alone yourself. But there is! Add yourself to your to do list. Grocery shop, make healthy meals, exercise a little bit and the weight WILL come off. Bonus? You’ll have an insane amount of energy, feel great, have the most self pride, and be a better mom and wife because of it.⁠⠀

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